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💥TOP 50 JOB SEARCH STRATEGIES To Get You Hired Rapidly! #23

Writer's picture: ilenereinilenerein

I am counting down 50 PROVEN STRATEGIES FOR JOB SEEKERS to get noticed and hired rapidly.

Have you ever applied for a job, been sure you were the perfect candidate, and not received an offer?

It can be a devastating feeling.

But don’t give up yet!

When it comes to landing a job, the application and interview process can feel like a game of chance. But the odds of getting your dream job don't have to feel intimidating; research suggests that being proactive regarding follow-up can help.

Receiving a rejection letter from an employer can be hard to swallow, but instead of giving up hope, reach out directly and ask for feedback instead.

It's essential to remain professional and polite during this process, but doing so can help you understand where things went wrong so that you can improve upon them in future applications or interviews.

This kind of self-reflection will not only make you stand out among other candidates but there's a solid chance that your interviewer may provide feedback or advice to guide you in future applications.

By taking advantage of the opportunity to gain constructive criticism from potential employers, especially after being rejected from their role, job seekers will increase their chances of success when applying for similar positions down the road. Plus, many recruiters are actually willing to provide feedback —even if it is negative —so don't be afraid to take advantage of this invaluable resource.


Learning to Take Rejection in Stride

A job rejection should not be viewed as the end of your journey but rather as an opportunity to learn what you need to do differently to achieve your career goals. It is important to remember that just because one job didn't work out doesn't mean your dream job isn't out there; rejection shouldn't be a deterrent to success.

Rejection can also help build resilience and inspire innovation; by challenging yourself with complex tasks, such as asking for feedback, you develop a mindset and skillset that will help you in the long run.

Ultimately, job rejection can be difficult, but learning from it can help you to become more successful in future applications. Ask your interviewer for detailed feedback and use it to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses; by doing so, you can make adjustments and increase your chances of getting the job in future applications.

Why You Should Ask for Feedback After Being Rejected

It is crucial to recognize how to learn from one’s mistakes to maximize potential when seeking a new job. Getting this type of insight gives you a better understanding of what skills you need to prioritize and where you can stand out from other job applicants during the hiring process.

Research has consistently shown that employers are more than willing to provide feedback and insights about your performance when asked – with an estimated 70% of employers giving specific feedback upon request.

This is a great way to strengthen your candidacy for future potential roles, empower yourself again, and take ownership of your job search process. By taking proactive steps to obtain this valuable information, you will be able to fully understand why you didn't get the job and make adjustments in your future applications to improve your prospects.

New Pathways Ahead

Getting feedback can also give you a better idea of the kind of roles you are best suited for and how to tailor your application in order to stand out from other candidates. This information can be invaluable when planning out your job search and making sure that each one is as successful as possible.

Research shows that up to 84% of candidates who received self-assessments - feedback from industry experts - could tailor their job applications for greater success. Along with gaining a better understanding of your skill set, getting feedback can also be used as an opportunity to expand on areas you might not have realized existed or determine which roles are most suitable for you.

Pursuing this method will ensure that each application stands a higher chance of success and that your entire job search experience is significantly more beneficial.

Accept Criticism With Confidence

Asking for feedback is a great way to show potential employers that you have both the humility and confidence needed to succeed in any role. Research proves that successful leaders actively seek feedback in their development journey, with 85% of employees attributing their career success to proactively asking for feedback.

By making this effort, you will stand out from the crowd even if you don't get the job you have applied for. A humble approach lets others perceive your strengths and weaknesses objectively, which can make all the difference in future roles if handled correctly.

Use Feedback To Improve Your Interviewing Skills

Once you have taken the time to ask for feedback after a job rejection, use it to your advantage. By understanding what went wrong in this situation—whether it was something on your end or due to external factors—you can use this knowledge as leverage when applying for other positions in the future. Make adjustments and practice your interviewing skills with role-playing exercises or mock interviews.

This kind of self-reflection will not only make you stand out among other candidates but it can also help build confidence in yourself and your abilities. With the proper preparation, you can increase your chances of success in future job applications.

How To Ask For Feedback

Reaching out to your interviewer for feedback can be a challenge.

Here are a few tips on how to make the process easier:

Express Gratitude It is important to remember that this individual took time out of their busy schedule to meet with you. Showing your appreciation can go a long way in helping build relationships and getting the feedback you seek.

Ask Specific Questions Asking open-ended questions allows your interviewer more freedom when providing helpful advice on improving future applications or interviews. Some questions may include “What did I do well?”, “Is there something I could have improved upon?” or “How would you suggest I approach similar opportunities in the future?”

Remain Professional: Even if the feedback is negative, you must remain professional and maintain a good relationship with your interviewer, as you may need them in the future.

Apply Again In The Future

Don’t be discouraged, and apply again in the future if you feel a position is right for you. Rejection can be difficult to accept, but learning from it can help you become more successful in achieving your career goals.

If you are still baffled by the job search process and are convinced that it is broken, or you are going on interviews and not getting offers, grab time on my calendar to learn more about the strategic roadmap for job seekers, I have created that shares the inside secrets from the view of the Recruiter, so you do not have to waste time figuring out how to find a job or to waste time by making mistakes. My clients are getting hired in 3-8 weeks in their dream jobs after searching on their own for 9-12 months!

Grab time on my calendar to discuss your job search and how we can get you hired rapidly!


Connect with me on LinkedIn so you can follow my job searching advice to help you land your dream job rapidly:


🔴 Ilene Rein is an Executive Recruiter and Job Search Strategist. She teaches job seekers exactly how to market themselves with laser precision to employers using inside secrets from the view of the Recruiter exponentially increasing their chances of getting noticed and hired rapidly!


If you are serious about your job search and want to learn how to land your dream job in record time, schedule a complimentary consultation to speak directly with Ilene:


My clients are getting hired in 3-8 weeks in their dream jobs after searching on their own for 9-12 months!

Check out the DETAILED STATISTICS of the Pounding Pavement 101 Foolproof, Job-Getting, Career-Building System:


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